If only we could freeze time, even just for a few moments, to let us savor our favorite times with our favorite people. We could listen to their belly laughs on replay. We could forever hold them in our arms and kiss their chubby cheeks.

Those smiles with missing teeth, the round bellies, the too-short pants from an overnight growth spurt. It all fades so fast. If only we could make it last forever.

While I can’t offer you a pause button– trust me, I would if I could– I can offer to help preserve the unique beauty of the chapter of life your family is in right now.

As a mom, one thing I know for sure is that time is a thief. And if you're anything like me, I know you will one day (very soon) be yearning for a replay of this period of time. This perfectly imperfect, messy, beautiful, exhausting, precious, fleeting chapter of life.

 are the closest thing

we get to a

pause button.


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